Thursday 30 October 2014

Assignment blog #2

All About That Bass by Meghan Trainor

Construction of Reality
  • I believe that this video is a realistic view of the world through the eyes of teenagers.
  • Teenagers believe they should all be thin and beautiful in order to be accepted by others.
  • The singer is trying to show that people have a distorted perception of what is accepted in society.
  • It fits the singer because she is not really skinny but has been really successful.
  • It fits that artist fan base and pop culture of today because it is mostly made up of impressionable young teenagers who think they should all look like what they see on TV.
Codes and Conventions
  • One of the stereotypes in this video is that young people have to look like a "Barbie" doll.
  • A stereotype would be that you have to be beautiful to be accepted - for example only beautiful people are on the cover of magazines.
  • They use a fat, heavyset young man to show that everyone is capable of doing the same thing as a skinny person - for example his ability to do the splits and shake his booty.
Creeds and Values
  • The video is trying to say that people should just be happy for who and what they are.
  • The singer doesn't have to show her body in a sexual manner (scanty clothes, exposed skin), to get her message across that "every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top" and "don't worry about your size".
  • In the video it shows both genders, both white and black, fat and skinny, being happy with who they are.
  • The video is effective because it has a happy and up beat sound as well as a beautiful & colourful visual presentation.
  • The target audience is young impressionable people who hate who they are because of what they see in magazines and on TV as to what they should be.
  • The video fits the song because the singer is trying to get her audience to discard what they think they should be and replace it by being happy with whom they really are.

I think this is a good video because it helps me feel good about myself and that I am perfect just the way I am. The video shows that I can be skinny or fat and still be accepted plus that I don't have to expose my skin to be beautiful and sexy. The video allows young people to love who they are and what they look like.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Assignment #1

  1. I believe that media is very important in my life. It provides me with the news of the world, information for homework. Also the opportunity to shop online and keep connected with friends.
  2. One type of media I feel important to me is Google so I can look up something that I need help on. Another is Facebook because I can talk to friends and read what other people are doing in there lives.
  3. I like the new technology because I don't have to carry a big laptop around when I can use my Ipad where I can communicate by Imessage and Facebook and do my homework. The elements of popular culture I dislike are the sexual advertisment that are aimed at young people so we will buy it and think we are cool.
  4. The way teenagers are portrayed in media today makes them think that they willnot be accepted by their peers unless they dress and act the way the media(TV, magazines,movies,etc) say they should. It should not depend on what we wear or if we have the lastest smartphone to fit in with others. All types of media are trying to get kids to buy their products andthen the teenagers pressured their parents to buy it for them.