Friday 23 January 2015

ISU Zombies

ISU Zombies

                In 1910 the first zombie movie came out it was called Frankenstein after that zombies emerged and it became more popular more and more every year. People like watching zombie movies like walking, dawn of the dead and the living dead because the fear of seeing that is what gives people the frightening scare. Some people have even made a zombie parade were different people dress up in crazy things that would make them look like a zombie and people watching that would be amused.

Nobody knows where these creepy-dead came from but is that the more disgusting and gruesome looking way that we like them to be promoted. Hence all the simulation of eyes hanging out of their sockets, exposed bone, severed limbs, bloody foam running from the mouth or nose, worm-infested sores, and rotting flesh and that is how most of the people like to see it. Normally we would ask ourselves why anyone would want to appear as a decomposing corpse and act like a zombie.

Then after that zombie stuff was like everywhere even on Black Ops they have a zombie section were you just kill as many zombies as you can for points and some people would try and beat there high score each time they play. All kinds of zombie games they like make millions of dollars a year and consumes millions of hours of younger kid’s free time that they have to play the games so they get good reviews, but it`s not just games. The undead`s insatiable appetite for publicity has, in recent years, seen ever-growing legions of them appearing on our TV and cinema screens. When the Walking Dead TV show came out it got a lot of really good reviews and once people started watching it more and more each week then the producers got lots of more good reviews. Once some people started seeing that then they thought that they could make something about zombies and then that is how it started. Even before Walking Dead came out people would still watch some creepy zombie movies but after they watched it, it wasn’t like a big thing after but recently all people talk about is zombies. Even in places like Walmart and Amazon that sell survival guides and all different stuff like all the Walking Dead gear most likely they would have a Walking Dead table lamp or some bedding of the walking dead characters on it and they even have their own game on it.

Something about zombies are just different so maybe that’s why we like it or we just see zombies as a manifestation of our anxieties about survival, infectious diseases, over-population and general mass mindlessness.  Zombies have been around for a long time and were subjects of folklore before movies and books. In my opinion I think that it`s not that zombies have changed in ways or that make them more intriguing to us than they were 20 years ago, but it`s because the world has changed in ways that make them more relevant.

Zombies have served as a kind of post-apocalyptic, post-human metaphor. For some of us we might ask ourselves the question, what would we do during a zombie outbreak? but the response is motivated by a perhaps repressed fear that our world could change very rapidly for the worse

“In literature and in film, stories about zombies are less about the zombies and more about ourselves,” said Michael Delahoyde.

So by seeing that quote we should ask ourselves what would we do during a zombie apocalypse. What would happen once people run out of food and can’t find shelter? Would we kill people that we love or not just so we can survive?

I always think what would happen if the movie World War Z was real and all the zombies in it were all like them. In the movie World War Z the man character didn’t know what to do and have to stop the disease. The zombies were really fast and they only took ten minutes to change after the got bit. Also near the end of the movie we finally find out how to avoid being bitten, the zombies avoid cripple and sick people. The scientist near the end find out how they can cure people the minute they get bit, they put some type of medicine in them so the zombies think they are dead to. People in the movie thought they were safe behind tall walls but eventually the zombies get over and attack them.

I believe that if we ever have a zombie apocalypse, people would have no idea what to do because it’s all on TV and on TV they are acting it not living it. I think people would go as far as stealing from other people once they go hungry or possibly kill another person for shelter. Sometimes I think want kind of group would I want to be with if this ever happened. What if you were in a group and u had a person like Shane from the Walking Dead and he betrays you or Rick a really good leader that keeps you safe and alive for as long as you live.
World War Z

Black Ops Zombie


Wednesday 21 January 2015

Blog #4 Genre-Bending

Blog 4 Scary Movie

                I picked Scary Movie because in the movie they make fun of different kinds of scary movies and make up different lines to make that scary movie way more stupid or funny which gets the audience’s attention. Another reason why I picked it is that it doesn’t really fit any genre sections because all it is, is like 7 different movies that are mostly horror/thriller would be in this one movie. While they would put it sometimes the same way as the original film but put something there that would make the audience laugh and be entertained. Also during the movie there is a lot of violence like one people running into a wall or beating someone up with a bigger object, while they act in pain the audience is laughing from the reaction that they give when they get hurt, which makes the audience want to watch it again.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Mini-Review #5 the Truman show

Mini Review #5 the Truman show

                In my opinion I would be in the middle of liking and disliking this movie. The reason why I like it is that my favourite actor is in it (Jim Carrey). Also that it was really interesting that these people just took this kid and made his whole life a commercial and he didn’t even know that they were doing this. Once he found out it was pretty sad that he was trying to do everything he could to just get out of that place that isn’t really a place. The part that I dislike about it is that I didn’t really get to see it all because I missed the being of it but I heard people talking about it but I would say that I more like the movie for the acting and the story line. It was funny to watch after he found out what was going on with him and they didn’t want the audience to know that he knows that he is being filmed. I would watch the movie again if I had it.

Mini-Review #4 Memento

Mini Review #4 Memento

                In my opinion I didn’t like the movie memento because to me it was really confusing that this one guy can`t remember what he did that day and all he wants is to find this one person that killed his wife.  The movie was kind of depressing because this guy doesn’t remember who these people are even though he talks to them every day. It kept replaying the same thing over and over again but each time it showed more information. I didn’t like how this one girl manipulated him into believing that he could trust her but she just plays him every time. The whole movie was really, really slow which made me loose interest really fast also it really confused me how it would go from black and white to colour. The ending of the movie was really weird by how that he just killed some people and drove away like it never happened also it was a sad ending that this new life that he has is never going to change he can`t remember what he did the previous day.

Mini-Review #3 Cabin in the woods

Mini Review #3 Cabin in the woods

                Out of all the movies that we watched this movie was my favourite because they were making fun of it which made it a comedy/horror. Also that these 5 friends go to this cabin in the middle of nowhere and they have no idea what is about to happen to them and that they are chosen for something. When I first watched the movie I had no idea what it was about and when I see them go to the basement in the one scene I had no idea what all that stuff was and why these people were watching these people. Once they started dying I didn’t understand why they needed there blood and that they had to die in a certain order but when they tried to kill the fool which didn't work and they thought he was dead but then came back at the end and saved the girl and the 2 of them went into this elevator and saw all these monsters that they had. The best part about the movie was the end when they let out all the monsters out of the elevator that was really funny and cool.

Mini-Review #2 Shining

Mini-Review #2 Shining

In my opinion I liked the movie the Shining because it was suspenseful though out the whole movie. The boy Danny he was good at acting scared and he was the only one that was smart out of the whole movie. I have never seen the movie before and when we watched it, it was scary to me by how that Danny has this imaginary friend that lives in his stomach and it comes out when it wants to. Also that once they got there the dad Jack got really crazy and started seeing things, while the mom Wendy did nothing to help her son even when she knows that Jack needs help. The weirdest thing about the movie was when Danny was riding around the building and kept going around the different corners and never hit any stairs along the way, but then somehow appeared upstairs. Another thing was when Danny seen the 2 girls standing at the end of the hall then seen them as all bloody and dead on the floor.

Mini- Review #1 Psycho

Mini- Review #1 Psycho

     In my opinion I didn’t really like psycho because to me it was really slow and the acting wasn’t the greatest but that’s what it was like for scary movies in the 1960. For black and white films and back in toughs days they didn’t show any blood because they weren’t allowed to show it but to me seeing all the scary movies nowadays I’m used to seeing lots of blood once someone gets there throat cut or anything else.  The different angles of shots during the movie was good like when the sister was walking up to the house and it showed the house being big and scary. Also when they showed Marion in the house and then the shot of Norman Bates coming up to the house and when Marion came to the window she sees Norman through the widow.  So what I’m getting at is that I don’t really like the acting but I like the different shots that they used back in the 60s.