Mini- Review #1 Psycho
In my opinion I didn’t really like psycho because to me it was really slow and the acting wasn’t the greatest but that’s what it was like for scary movies in the 1960. For black and white films and back in toughs days they didn’t show any blood because they weren’t allowed to show it but to me seeing all the scary movies nowadays I’m used to seeing lots of blood once someone gets there throat cut or anything else. The different angles of shots during the movie was good like when the sister was walking up to the house and it showed the house being big and scary. Also when they showed Marion in the house and then the shot of Norman Bates coming up to the house and when Marion came to the window she sees Norman through the widow. So what I’m getting at is that I don’t really like the acting but I like the different shots that they used back in the 60s.
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