Tuesday 20 January 2015

Mini-Review #5 the Truman show

Mini Review #5 the Truman show

                In my opinion I would be in the middle of liking and disliking this movie. The reason why I like it is that my favourite actor is in it (Jim Carrey). Also that it was really interesting that these people just took this kid and made his whole life a commercial and he didn’t even know that they were doing this. Once he found out it was pretty sad that he was trying to do everything he could to just get out of that place that isn’t really a place. The part that I dislike about it is that I didn’t really get to see it all because I missed the being of it but I heard people talking about it but I would say that I more like the movie for the acting and the story line. It was funny to watch after he found out what was going on with him and they didn’t want the audience to know that he knows that he is being filmed. I would watch the movie again if I had it.

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